Coffee at Dunkin Donuts in Lockport to benefit soldier’s widow- March 4th

Amid the sorrow of the return of Specialist Albert Jex’s body from Iraq, people reached out to memorialize him in many ways. One was to place his photo at businesses in his home town of Lockport. A misunderstanding occurred at a business over the placement of the flyer and, like wildfire, the story took on a life of it’s own. Irate emails asked for a boycott of the business. Here is an email I received from a close aunt of our fallen soldier, which puts it all in a different light. Please support this business as they try to support  Jex’s widow.

Hello Everyone,
I am Specialist Albert Ronald Jex’s,  Aunt Cindy,
I would like to clarify this Lockport Dunkin Donuts issue…….
I heard about this poster being placed on the plastic trash bin, the owner was out of town and was unaware of Albert’s death. His response to placing it there was in full view of the door so everyone would see it. THEN he realized what the poster was and knew he had made a mistake… It was clearly a misunderstanding………………….
 After knowing this,( I KNOW NO ONE cleared this UP!  or  TOLD YOU THIS PART!)  HE Showed up at the funeral home with a dozen RED Roses and made a FULL Apology to  Albert’s  Mother and Father. He then told them “He wanted to Donate a day from 7-4 all hot coffee sales.”
 I  Met with the owner  Feb. 25,  2009 to confirm the date of the coffee sales….
 He is willing to have hot coffee sales donated on Wed. March  4th 2009,  from 7am to 4 pm for  Monica Jex the widow.
Any size hot coffee  bought during 7 am -4 pm  will be donated.
All sales will be used to help defray the costs of attending the Special Memorial that is to be held in Fort Hood to Honor Specialist Albert Jex.
Speaking on behalf of Monica, My brother Nelson and our Jex Family.
I am asking you to SUPPORT THIS Hot coffee sale and make this donation Large…
Our Family would like to Thank everyone for their Prayers and Condolences, during this difficult time…
We need to Honor those that have lost their lives fighting for our freedom…
Please pray for our soldiers and their families.
Thank-you for your support,
Cindy Jex

A note from Julie~ In cyberspace, it is all to easy to hit “send” when emotions are high and to regret it later. Like the old campfire game of whispering secrets, every time a tale is passed on it is interpreted and changed by the next sender in line. We have all seen urban legends circulating for years because, sadly, there is no ‘delete’ button when it comes to the internet. Before you write or forward something that could impact in a harmful or hurtful way, please- please- think before you send. This one was especially quick to spread because we all get upset over any disrespect shown our brave soldiers! God bless our troops and their families.

Gratitude Quote #9

Gratitude is the least of the virtues, but ingratitude is the worst of vices.    Thomas Fuller